France 24 turns 8! Les 8 chiffres clés de la chaîne

France 24’s journalists

  • 420 newsroom journalists, representing 35 nationalities
  • 142 correspondents worldwide

France 24 worldwide

  • In 8 years, tripled worldwide distribution from 80 to 250 million TV households
  • Broadcast in 178 countries worldwide
  • 19 satellites ensure global coverage

TV Audience

  • Weekly global audience of 41.7 million viewers

France 24 channel

  • 144 news bulletins in 3 languages broadcast daily & Some 30 shows in 3 languages broadcast weekly

France24 new media platforms

  • In October 2014, France 24’s new media platforms notched up 15.5 million visits, 40% of traffic from mobile devices and in 2 years, mobile traffic has increased by 77%

France 24 in videos

  • In November 2014, France 24’s new media platforms recorded 24 million views. The time people have spent watching our Youtube videos adds up to 30 years of viewing.

France 24 on social media

  • 9 million followers on Facebook and 4 million on Twitter

The France 24 Observers

  • Launched in 2007, The Observers are France 24’s eyes across the globe. Today, 6000 Observers from the 5 continents collaborate with the Observers’ team.